Processing Your Career

If you’ve ever found yourself sitting at your desk, staring at your computer, and wondering, “Is this really it?”—you’re not alone. We’ve all been there. Sometimes you’re in the groove, other times you’re lost in a maze of uncertainty about your career and what’s next. But here’s the good news: that pause is actually a gift. It’s your brain’s way of saying, "Hey, let’s process this!"

Let’s dive into how to process your career with clarity, confidence, and maybe even a little bit of excitement. Whether you’re feeling stuck, hungry for growth, or just plain unsure, this is your guide to getting back on track.

Oh, and before you dive in, don’t forget to sign up for my e-newsletter to get tips like these straight to your inbox! Plus, you’ll receive exclusive updates and freebies you won’t want to miss!

Step 1: Take a Good Look at Where You Are

First things first: let’s assess your current situation. This isn’t about judging where you are—it’s about taking an honest, gentle look at your career. What’s working? What’s not?

Ask Yourself:

  • What parts of my job light me up?

  • What parts of my job drain me?

  • What am I really good at? (Yes, brag a little here—it’s important!)

Sometimes the simple act of reflection can bring the clarity you need. Journaling this out can help you see patterns you might not have noticed before. So grab your favorite notebook, make a hot cup of tea, and start jotting down those thoughts.

Need a little help with your career reflection? You can grab a FREE sample page of my Career Processing Journal right here! It’s packed with powerful prompts to get you started on your journey.

Step 2: Set Some SMART Goals

Now that you’ve taken stock of where you are, let’s get real about where you’re going. And, trust me, this isn’t the time for vague wishes like “I want to be more successful.” Let’s get specific—SMART goals are the name of the game!

SMART Goals are:

  • Specific (What exactly do you want?)

  • Measurable (How will you track your progress?)

  • Achievable (Is this within your reach?)

  • Relevant (Does it align with your long-term goals?)

  • Time-bound (When do you want to achieve it?)

For example, instead of saying, “I want to move up in my company,” try: “I want to apply for a management position within the next 6 months by building my leadership skills and completing a relevant certification.” See how much more powerful that sounds?

Step 3: Build a Support System

Here’s the thing about success: you don’t have to do it alone. Nope, none of this lone wolf, grind-24/7 mindset. Who’s in your corner cheering you on? Whether it’s mentors, friends, colleagues, or that super inspiring person you follow on Instagram, we all need a squad that can keep us accountable and lift us up.

Ask Yourself:

  • Who in my network can offer me guidance?

  • Who could mentor me as I work toward my next big step?

  • Who’s been there, done that, and can share some wisdom?

Want more resources on building a strong network? Check out my Career Processing Journal, designed to help you map out your goals, leverage your strengths, and create a roadmap to success.

Step 4: Polish Your Resume & Cover Letter

So, you’ve got a plan, goals, and support, but what about your resume? It’s not just a document you update every few years. It’s your story! And guess what? You get to be the author.

For Your Resume: Focus on results, not just responsibilities. Instead of listing tasks, show what you achieved. Use numbers, highlight the wins, and make sure your personality shines through. You want whoever’s reading it to know you’re not just qualified—you’re a game-changer.

  • Example: “Led a team of 5 to launch a marketing campaign that increased online engagement by 40% in 6 months.”

  • Pro Tip: Keep it easy to read with clear headers, bullet points, and white space. Simplicity = professionalism.

For Your Cover Letter: This is where you tell your story. Your cover letter should feel personal and conversational—like you’re sitting down over coffee with the hiring manager, not sending a boring template.

  • Start with why you’re excited about the role (bonus points if you mention something specific about the company).

  • Highlight key wins from your resume that make you a great fit.

  • And always, always finish strong with gratitude and a call to action.

Step 5: Don’t Forget to Celebrate Your Wins!

Sometimes we get so caught up in chasing goals that we forget to celebrate along the way. But each step you take, no matter how small, is worth celebrating. Did you make it through a tough project? Finished a certification? Sent out that first job application? That’s a win!

Treat yourself, share it with a friend, or just take a quiet moment to acknowledge your hard work. It’s these small celebrations that keep you motivated for the big wins ahead.

The Bottom Line: Your Career is a Journey

Processing your career isn’t about having it all figured out—spoiler alert: no one ever really does. It’s about taking the time to reflect, set goals, and find joy in the process. Your career isn’t a straight line; it’s more like a winding path with twists and turns. And guess what? That’s what makes it so exciting.

So, let’s reframe that uncertainty. Instead of “Is this it?” ask yourself, “What’s next?” With some reflection, strategic goal setting, and a resume that shows off your sparkle, you’re already on the path to your next big thing.

Want to dive even deeper into your career processing journey? You can grab my full Career Processing Journal today! And if you’re ready to start now, download a free sample page to kickstart your reflection process.

Let’s make those career dreams a reality—one step at a time.

Until next time, friend ✨ - Mary Claire


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